Inhabited by characters who are wise and loony, unimpeachably pious and deliciously irreverent, Cold Sassy, Georgia, is the perfect setting for the debut of a storyteller of rare brio, exuberance, and style. Olive Ann Burns has given us a timeless, funny, resplendent novel - about a romance that rocks an entire town, about a boy's passage through the momentous but elusive year when childhood melts into adolescence, and about just how people lived and died in a small Southern town at the turn of the century. He gets run over by a train and lives to tell about it he kisses his first girl, and survives that too. Olive Ann Burnss classic best seller brings to vivid life an era that will never exist again, exploring timeless issues of love, death, coming-of-age, and the.

As the newlyweds' chaperone, conspirator, and confidant, Will is privy to his one-armed, renegade grandfather's second adolescence meanwhile, he does some growing up of his own. Cold Sassy Tree: Top Ten Quotes Cold Sassy Tree: Biography: Olive Ann Burns Cold Sassy Tree: Essay Q&A Breadcrumb Home Cold Sassy Tree Cold Sassy Tree: Theme Analysis Love and Tolerance A main theme is that the narrow-mindedness of Cold Sassy has to give way to a greater generosity and tolerance. One of the questions raised by this book is. Boggled by the sheer audacity of it all, and not a little jealous of his grandpa's new wife, Will nevertheless approves of this May-December match and follows its progress with just a smidgen of youthful prurience. Cold Sassy Tree is an award-winning historical fiction novel by Olive Ann Burns. And young Will Tweedy suddenly finds himself eyewitness to a major scandal. Rucker Blakeslee announces one July morning in 1906 that he's aiming to marry the young and freckledy milliner, Miss Love Simpson - a bare three weeks after Granny Blakeslee has gone to her reward - the news is served up all over town with that afternoon's dinner. The one thing you can depend on in Cold Sassy, Georgia, is that word gets around - fast.